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Healthier Ways to Consume Cannabis in 2024 

In 2024, my primary goal is to advocate for mindful cannabis consumption and educating on healthier methods of integrating this plant into our lives. 

In this article, I outlined nine practical tips that have played a crucial role in maintaining a low tolerance, fostering a positive relationship with cannabis, and prioritizing my overall well-being. The intention behind sharing these insights is to assist others on their mindfulness journey or inspire them to embark on one. 

By emphasizing the importance of moderation and responsible use, I believe we can contribute to a shift away from stigmatized and dependent behaviours associated with cannabis. Instead, the focus should be on fostering a beneficial approach that seamlessly integrates into our daily practices (whether it's for recreational or medical  reasons, or both), making cannabis consumption a normalized and accepted aspect of our lives. 

I genuinely hope these tips prove valuable on your journey, and if you find them helpful, please share them with a fellow stoner. Let's make 2024 our mindful year.

Resources and Products Mentioned in this Article

Hemp Wick


Cannabis Infused Recipes

6 Simple Steps to Making the Best Cannabis Infusions

Beginners Guide to Decarboxylation

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What are Cannabinoids/THC/CBD

Unbleached Unrefined Rolling Papers

1. Substitute your lighter with Hemp Wick

Substituting your conventional lighter with hemp wick can significantly benefit your health and enhance your overall smoking experience. Traditional lighters often contain toxic substances like butane and other chemicals, which can release harmful fumes when ignited. 

In contrast, hemp wick is a natural alternative made from hemp fibers coated in beeswax. This composition eliminates the need for butane or other harmful additives, providing a cleaner and purer ignition source. The switch to hemp wick has gained popularity in the cannabis community due to its organic nature and the avoidance of inhaling potentially harmful chemicals associated with lighters. 

The use of hemp wick aligns with a growing trend towards healthier and more sustainable practices within the cannabis culture. Historically, hemp wick has been employed in various cultures for centuries, with its resurgence in popularity reflecting a contemporary commitment to conscious consumption. You can usually find hemp wick in cannabis accessory stores, head shops, or online platforms, making it an easily accessible and eco-friendly choice for those seeking a healthier way to light up.

Check out some of my favourite stoner products here

2. Supplement with mullein for lung health

Mullein, known for its respiratory benefits, is a herbal supplement derived from the Verbascum plant. Rich in soothing properties, mullein has been traditionally used to alleviate respiratory issues such as coughs, asthma, and bronchitis. 

Incorporating mullein into your daily routine as a smoker can bring about several health benefits. The herb acts as an expectorant, promoting the expulsion of mucus and soothing irritation in the respiratory tract. Its anti-inflammatory properties also contribute to a reduction in coughing and irritation often associated with smoking. 

Taking mullein each morning with a shot of water can be a proactive approach to maintaining respiratory health, mitigating the risk of developing a persistent smoker's cough. While the taste may not be the most palatable, the payoff in terms of respiratory well-being is worth it. Embracing mullein as part of your routine showcases a commitment to holistic health and may contribute to a more enjoyable and comfortable smoking experience.

Check out some of my favourite Mullein products here

3. Opt for non-smoking methods whenever your can

Opting for non-smoking methods of cannabis consumption can offer a range of health benefits, particularly in the context of limited research on the long-term effects of cannabis inhalation. Acknowledging the potential risks associated with smoking, I prioritize minimizing my exposure by exploring alternative consumption methods. 

Numerous studies on other substances have shown that inhalation can have adverse effects on lung health, prompting a cautious approach to cannabis use. Personally, I've adopted a proactive stance by incorporating Mullein supplements into my routine to support respiratory health. To further reduce reliance on smoking, I've delved into the world of infused recipes, showcasing an array of creative and enjoyable ways to experience cannabis without the potential drawbacks of inhalation. Non-smoking methods include edibles, sublinguals, tinctures, topicals, and even suppositories, providing a diverse range of options for consumption.

For those interested in trying non-smoking methods, I invite you to explore my infused recipes page. Additionally, beginners can find helpful insights in my article on 6 simple steps to making the best cannabis infusions. Keep in mind that the very first step to creating these recipes at home is decarboxylation, my LEVO has made this process extremely simple (use my code CANNABINISTACO for 10% off yours) or simply learn how to DIY it at home here

These alternatives not only provide a safer consumption avenue but also allow for a diverse and flavourful cannabis experience.

See this product in the original post

 4. Take tolerance breaks

Incorporating regular tolerance breaks into your cannabis routine is a strategic and health-conscious approach, especially for daily or frequent consumers. 

Personally, I adhere to a schedule of implementing a week-long tolerance break every three months, recognizing the importance of keeping both my consumption methods and tolerance levels in check. Taking breaks allows the body and mind to reset, preventing the development of a heightened tolerance that can diminish the desired effects of cannabis. 

This intentional pause not only contributes to the maintenance of a lower tolerance but also promotes a healthier relationship with the plant. It provides an opportunity to reassess one's reliance on cannabis and ensures that its consumption remains mindful and intentional. 

Tolerance breaks can enhance the overall effectiveness of cannabis when resumed and contribute to a more balanced and sustainable approach to its use, supporting both physical and mental well-being. Having trouble with your t-break? Sign up to my newsletter! I’ll be dropping a tolerance break guide soon.

5. Opt for days where you don't consume 

Choosing designated days each week to abstain from cannabis consumption can be a valuable practice for maintaining a healthy relationship with the plant. Personally, I find that incorporating non-consumption days helps keep both my tolerance and dependency at manageable levels. By allowing my body periodic breaks from THC and CBD intake, I prevent the development of a daily reliance, ensuring that my system doesn't come to expect these compounds consistently. 

This deliberate approach not only helps in managing tolerance but also fosters a more mindful and intentional use of cannabis. It allows for a clearer distinction between the times when I choose to engage with the plant and those when I don't, promoting a balanced and controlled consumption pattern. 

However, it's important to note that individuals using cannabis for medical purposes should consult with their healthcare providers before adjusting their consumption patterns. This practice is tailored for those exploring the benefits of occasional breaks within the context of recreational use.

6. Set an intention prior to consuming

Setting intentions before consuming cannabis is a practice I advocate for daily. I firmly believe that cannabis should serve as an additional tool in one's life rather than a sole solution. 

Prior to consumption, it's crucial to have a specific goal in mind, ensuring that the plant provides meaningful benefits. Whether seeking stress relief through CBD, sleep support from CBN, relaxation with THC, or focus enhancement with CBG, understanding the plant's different cannabinoids, their impacts on the body, and the best forms of consumption is essential. 

This intentional approach promotes a more purposeful and mindful use of cannabis, aligning its effects with individual objectives. For those interested in delving deeper into mindful consumption, I recently hosted an event overview titled "Mindful Consumption with the Cannabinista," which can be explored here. To stay updated on educational conversations and upcoming events, I encourage you to sign up for my newsletter.

7. Use unbleached unrefined papers 

Rolling papers, essential tools in the cannabis culture, serve as the vessel for enjoying the plant through joints or blunts. Opting for unbleached, unrefined rolling papers offers numerous benefits that have made them increasingly popular within the stoner community. 

Unlike their bleached counterparts, unbleached papers maintain their natural brown hue, signalling the absence of chlorine or other harsh chemicals during the manufacturing process. This choice is not merely an aesthetic preference but a conscious one rooted in health considerations. 

Unbleached papers eliminate the risk of inhaling potentially harmful byproducts associated with the bleaching process, providing a cleaner and purer smoking experience. The rise in popularity of unbleached, unrefined papers reflects a broader shift within the cannabis community towards mindful and health-conscious consumption practices. 

As individuals become more aware of the impact of their choices on their well-being, the demand for papers that preserve the natural integrity of the material has surged, making unbleached rolling papers a staple for those seeking a cleaner, more natural smoking experience.

Check out some of my favourite product choices here.

8. Choose healthy munchies snacks

Choosing healthy munchies snacks is a crucial aspect of maintaining a balanced and mindful lifestyle, especially when cannabis tends to induce the desire to eat. Being aware of this effect in advance allows for strategic planning to support overall health. 

To curb the impulse to snack, I : 

  • Often consider whether my body might actually be signaling a need for hydration. In such cases, I rely on LMNT packs to replenish electrolytes, ensuring that I'm addressing genuine bodily cues. 

  • I prepare healthy alternatives like cucumbers, carrots, and other crunchy vegetables to satisfy the craving for texture without resorting to chips or cookies. 

  • Scheduling cannabis consumption either before a meal or incorporating the meal itself as a munchies option is another effective strategy, ensuring that the nutritional content is substantial and well-balanced. 

  • Sometimes, I even eat before consuming cannabis to distinguish between genuine hunger and mere cravings. 

By adopting these practices, I not only enjoy my munchies moments but also support a healthy and conscious approach to snacking, aligning with my overall well-being goals. If you're interested in exploring the LMNT packs, you can find them here.

9. Clean your bongs, glassware & dried flower vaporizers regularly 

Maintaining a hygienic approach to cleaning bongs, glassware, and dried flower vaporizers is paramount for both the longevity of the tools and, more importantly, the user's health. 

While opting for non-smoking consumption methods is beneficial, enjoying a well-crafted joint or bong toke is undeniable. As a proud Stundenglass owner myself (you can get a 10% discount here), I emphasize the importance of regular cleaning, ensuring a mindful and hygienic experience. 

Using these tools frequently can lead to the buildup of residue, bacteria, and mold, posing potential health risks if not addressed. A weekly cleaning routine helps prevent the accumulation of harmful substances, maintaining the purity of each session. Neglecting this aspect could result in inhaling impurities, compromising respiratory health and diminishing the overall enjoyment of cannabis. 


Being a mindful cannabis consumer involves prioritizing your health and adopting intentional practices to ensure a positive and responsible relationship with the plant. Recognizing the potential impact of cannabis on your well-being, it is crucial to take steps to mitigate risks and enhance the overall experience. 

Strategies such as setting intentions before consumption, incorporating tolerance breaks, opting for non-smoking methods, and choosing healthy munchies snacks contribute to a holistic and balanced approach. 

Additionally, maintaining cleanliness in your consumption tools, such as bongs and vaporizers, is essential to prevent health risks associated with residue buildup. By implementing these mindful practices, you not only promote a healthier lifestyle but also foster a positive and sustainable connection with cannabis, ensuring that its benefits are maximized while minimizing potential drawbacks. For more cannabis education and lifestyle tips, sign up for my newsletter

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