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What I Learned From Taking A 45-Day Cannabis Tolerance Break

Undertaking a 45-day tolerance break from cannabis, commonly referred to as a "t-break," has been a journey of self-discovery and introspection. In this blog post, I'll provide a candid overview of my experience, navigating the effects, challenges, and revelations that came with abstaining from weed. From debunking personal myths to cultivating a newfound appreciation for cannabis and its impact on my mental and physical well-being, I'll share insights gleaned from this period of intentional hiatus. Join me as I delve into the nuances of my tolerance break, offering a blend of professional reflection and casual discourse on the highs and lows of this experience.

Key Takeaways

  1. Importance of Defining Goals: Before starting a tolerance break, it's crucial to define personal goals, whether it's lowering tolerance, experimenting with consumption methods, or reassessing the relationship with cannabis.

  2. Managing Withdrawal Symptoms: Preparing for withdrawal symptoms such as changes in appetite, insomnia, and anxiety is vital. Strategies like stocking up on nutritious foods, establishing a bedtime routine, and finding alternative stress-relief methods can help navigate these challenges.

  3. Reflecting on Personal Growth: Tolerance breaks offer an opportunity for introspection and personal growth. Recognizing the benefits of cannabis on mental health while exploring new consumption methods fosters a balanced and mindful approach to cannabis use.

What is a Tolerance Break or “T-break”?

A tolerance break, often referred to as a "t-break," involves refraining from consuming cannabis for a period of time to reset the body's tolerance to its effects.

This break allows the body to regain sensitivity to cannabinoids, enhancing the overall experience when consumption resumes. Incorporating regular tolerance breaks into your cannabis routine is crucial for several reasons.

  • Firstly, it helps prevent tolerance buildup, ensuring that you can achieve desired effects with lower doses, thus saving money and reducing potential health risks associated with heavy consumption.

  • Additionally, tolerance breaks provide an opportunity for self-reflection and evaluation of your relationship with cannabis, promoting mindful consumption and preventing dependency.

By scheduling regular breaks, such as every three months as a personal preference, you can maintain balance and moderation in your cannabis use while optimizing its benefits for your mental and physical well-being.

Defining your “why”

Before starting a tolerance break, it's crucial to define your "why." As a cannabis consumer, there may come a time when you feel the need to step back from regular use. Some act on this feeling, while others may ignore it. However, taking a moment to understand your motivations is key.

Reflect on why you feel the urge to take a break, why you want to reassess your relationship with cannabis, and why it's important to consider the path ahead. For me, this realization came after my Thailand vacation where I consumed multiple times a day for consecutive days, resulting in a higher tolerance than I desired.

Recognizing the potential consequences if I didn't take action, I chose to address this before it became a bigger personal problem. Once you grasp the significance of this decision, determining when and how to proceed becomes clearer. Understanding your "why" sets the stage for a purposeful break, guiding your journey toward personal growth and well-being.

Photo by gaspar zaldo on Unsplash

Defining Your Goals

Defining your goals is a crucial step before embarking on a tolerance break, as it provides clarity and motivation throughout the process. Understanding what you hope to achieve allows you to set clear intentions and track your progress effectively. Goals may vary widely, ranging from lowering tolerance levels and adjusting consumption schedules to reshaping your overall relationship with cannabis. For some, the break may serve as a way to reaffirm control over their habits and demonstrate self-discipline. By articulating your objectives beforehand, you establish a roadmap for success and ensure that your efforts align with your desired outcomes. Whether your aim is to recalibrate your tolerance, reassess your consumption habits, or simply reaffirm your autonomy, defining your goals sets the stage for a purposeful and fulfilling tolerance break experience.

Choosing Your Time Length and Start Time

Choosing the length of your tolerance break can be a common question, and the answer largely depends on your current consumption levels. For instance, someone who consumes a gram of cannabis daily will have a different tolerance level than someone who consumes the same amount per week. Those who consume daily may benefit from a longer break, while occasional users may find that abstaining every other day helps maintain lower tolerance levels.

When selecting a start time, strategic planning can be beneficial. For example, scheduling a tolerance break before a significant event like 420 or a vacation where access to cannabis is readily available can be advantageous and used as motivation. Alternatively, some prefer to take their break during vacation, as the reduced stress and busy days often lead to better sleep and less temptation to consume. Being intentional about the timing of your break can help set you up for success in achieving your goals.

Preparing and Handling Withdrawal Symptoms

Before starting my tolerance break, I anticipated and mentally prepared myself for a few withdrawal symptoms, namely changes in appetite, insomnia, and heightened anxiety.

To address my decreased appetite, I stocked my fridge with ingredients for nutritious smoothies, which provided sustenance during the initial adjustment period. Surprisingly, insomnia turned out to be a personal myth I debunked; despite previously relying on cannabis for sleep, I found that maintaining a busy work schedule and regular fitness routine helped me fall asleep naturally. To support restful sleep, I incorporated magnesium supplements, crafted calming mocktails, and indulged in soothing chamomile tea.

Managing anxiety proved to be the most challenging aspect, underscoring the role cannabis plays in alleviating my symptoms. While journaling, engaging in walks, and substituting my usual cannabis routine with other activities provided some relief, coping without cannabis was admittedly difficult. Nonetheless, recognizing the strength it takes to navigate this journey is essential for maintaining resilience and self-compassion.

My Personal Goals Going Forward

Now that I’ve gone an entire month without the plant, my view of the future feels a lot more clear. Especially when it comes to my relationship with cannabis and my consumption methods.

  • Utilizing cannabis for mental health and personal growth: During my tolerance break, I recognized cannabis's positive impact on my mental well-being and anxiety management. Moving forward, I aim to explore how cannabis can support my personal growth journey and enhance my overall health.

  • Continuing to opt for “healthier” consumption methods: While I enjoy consuming via inhalation methods (ie. joints) once in a while, I want to continue to reduce that option even further for myself. Opting for ingestible or electronic vaporizing methods will help limit my exposure to smoke and combustive material, which can help me in protecting my lungs.

  • Maintaining a low tolerance with controlled consumption (up to 3-4 times/week): Understanding the plant's potency and its potential to shift dynamics, I've established a clear consumption schedule. I look forward to seeing how this controlled approach impacts my life positively in the future.